For the Newcomer
Congratulations on taking a step toward recovery! Be assured you are not alone; we are all here to support one another on this journey. At meetings you may speak out about your feelings, thoughts, behaviors and doubts with no fear of rejection or judgment. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have; answers may not be given immediately due to a tradition of not engaging in dialog or “crosstalk”. We have all been new and understand there is a lot to learn. This "Newcomer" page is intended to help you begin recovery with suggestions and ideas that other members have found helpful and will also help you understand the terms and concepts you will hear discussed in meetings. We hope you will find this a safe and comfortable place to seek recovery, sanity, and serenity.
Helpful Reading
You can read about sex addiction and recovery in the "Literature" section of the main SAA website found here:
The following books are also extremely useful resources:● Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA “Green Book”)● Answers in the Heart: Daily Meditations for Men and Women Recovering from Sex Addiction● Out of the Shadows by Patrick Carnes● Voices of Recovery: Daily readings for sex addiction recovery● Alcoholics Anonymous (AA “Big Book")● Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (AA “Twelve and Twelve”)
The SAA Green Book can be ordered through the SAA website ( or purchased from thegroup treasurer after the meeting. The other books are available in most major bookstores, either new or used and Amazon. A good discounted online bookseller is
Spiritual: Our Daily Bread: also available as a daily email reading and as an app.
Finding a Sponsor
We also suggest you seek a sponsor to help you develop a program of recovery. A sponsor is a person whohas been in SAA longer than you who can answer questions, offer encouragement, and give suggestions onhow to “work” the 12 steps. We encourage you to listen to others as they speak at meetings, then approachsomeone whom you connected with or whose ideas you find helpful. If in doubt, you can discuss your needs with the meeting chair after the meeting.
Action Steps
- Go to meetings, Go to meetings, Go to meetings. Phone meetings, Zoom meetings, in-person meetings…..just go to meetings. Being with other people in recovery is getting connected and helps you start your own recovery.
- Get a notebook to take notes, write thoughts and work the steps.
- Find a Home Group (Local Meetings)
- Establish limits for your behavior
- Identify and stay away from environments and people that have been part of your acting out behavior
- Seek out and get support from a temporary sponsor
- Phone Group Members.
- Begin to view yourself as a recovering, sober person. Focus on who you want to become and not your past destructive behaviors
- Ask for help from your Higher Power
A Special Message for Women
There is help for women who have a sex addiction. We suggest coming to at least six local meetings or telemeetings within a short period of time before deciding whether SAA is right for you. Be gentle with yourself, and give yourself time to listen to others’ stories and absorb the introductory literature. If you are like us, you did not get to where you are now overnight. It will also take time to become oriented to this program and a new way of thinking and living in recovery. The Women’s Outreach Committee (WOC) has written a WOC welcome letter. It may also be useful.
The Savannah Area fellowship of Sex Addicts Anonymous has made it a priority to ensure that women who are interested in our fellowship feel welcome and safe in our meetings. Many women have found serenity and freedom in the rooms of SAA. Please join us.
Local Resources for WomenIf you would like to speak to a woman sex addict in the Savannah Area about our program, call 912-581-2270 or email and leave a message stating that you would like to talk with a woman about your situation. A woman from our fellowship will get back to you.
Other Resources for WomenIf you wish to tap into the international network of women via e-mail, visit
The Savannah Area fellowship of Sex Addicts Anonymous has made it a priority to ensure that women who are interested in our fellowship feel welcome and safe in our meetings. Many women have found serenity and freedom in the rooms of SAA. Please join us.
Local Resources for WomenIf you would like to speak to a woman sex addict in the Savannah Area about our program, call 912-581-2270 or email and leave a message stating that you would like to talk with a woman about your situation. A woman from our fellowship will get back to you.
Other Resources for WomenIf you wish to tap into the international network of women via e-mail, visit